Policy Solutions celebrates its 15th birthday. To mark this anniversary, we asked our friends and important partners to write a short message about how they see the work of Policy Solutions. We have always aimed to conduct internationally relevant research and work with excellent international partners. We are honoured to have Beate Martin and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest as long-standing partners and are proud of the many excellent projects we have worked on together over the years.
"Congratulations! Me and the whole team of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest Office would like to congratulate Policy Solutions for your 15th anniversary. It was the right idea at the right time to set up a think tank such as Policy Solutions in Hungary. Policy Solutions was established in 2008 and we started our first project together already in 2011. Time passes quickly and have become more complicated. This shows that the solid existence of such a progressive think tank is absolutely necessary. The clear analysis and wide range of surveys which Policy Solutions is offering are outstanding. These publications help to understand all current policy issues and represent an extremely valuable background information for us and many others.
During the last many years, we have worked together on a wide range of issues such as the future of Hungary-EU relationship and the roots of Euroscepticism, Foreign policy attitudes, the Value system of the Hungarian society and the Political polarization of the Hungarian society. Since 2014, it has become a wonderful tradition to begin the New Year with a new edition of the Yearbook on Hungarian Politics. This review of the previous year and the outlook to the future is especially relevant for the international audience, our guests from Germany and other countries. Three years ago, FES Budapest started a scholarship-program. And we are extremely happy to see our scholars learning from you and later even cooperate with Policy Solutions.
Finally Policy Solutions does not only play a crucial role within Hungary but also at the European level. With the excellent network you have with the important progressive institutions such as FEPS (Foundation for European Progressive Studies) and Das Progressive Zentrum your opinion takes an important role in progressive and social-democratic fora. Let me thank you for a wonderful cooperation and countless informative discussions and wish you and your team a bright future in the next decades to come!"
Beate Martin
Director, FES Budapest
A Policy Solutions egy budapesti székhelyű politikai elemző és tanácsadó intézet, amely elkötelezett a demokrácia, a szolidaritás, az esélyteremtés, a fenntarthatóság és az európai integráció iránt. Munkánk fókuszában a magyar és az európai uniós politikai folyamatok értelmezése áll. Kiemelt kutatási területeink közé tartozik a demokrácia minőségének vizsgálata, az euroszkepticizmus, a populizmus és a szélsőjobboldal mozgatórugóinak elemzése, valamint a választáskutatás.
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