

When the oligarchs come marching in

Ties to big business and shadowy businessmen have always been a contentious issue in post transition political discourse, but Fidesz excelled at lambasting its predecessor as the ‘banker’s government’.

Slight renovations in the Orbán machine

The Orbán government has reached the middle of its term and it marked the occasion with the first significant cabinet reshuffle since it entered office.

Consolidation watch

Consolidation is one of the buzzwords in Fidesz’ current communication.

Áder as president

No loud gasps were heard when Fidesz nominated its MEP János Áder as the candidate to succeed President Pál Schmitt.

Judicial reform under scrutiny

Through its reform of the judicial system, the government has enacted changes that may potentially significantly impact judicial independence.

The end of the Schmitt presidency

In light of last week’s events, President Pál Schmitt’s resignation on Monday came as a surprise.

On Communist informants, it’s young versus old in Fidesz

With its proposal to fully release the files on informants working for the secret police under the communist regime, LMP has successfully driven a wedge between Fidesz and significant portions of the right-wing intelligentsia, as well as between the younger and older members of Fidesz’ and KDNP’s parliamentary factions.

An uneasy relationship – Orbán and the banks

After a tumultuous relationship in its first two years in office, Fidesz appears poised to reconcile with the banking sector.

Fidesz by the numbers

While Fidesz’ standing among likely voters continues to be strong, it experienced a massive collapse among the population at large.

The budget deficits haunt the Hungarian government

With their profligate ways, many governments have sown the seeds of potential penalties from Brussels on account of excessive budget deficits, but the Orbán-government is now most likely to reap the dire consequences.


About Us

Policy Solutions is a progressive political research institute based in Budapest. It was founded in 2008 and it is committed to the values of liberal democracy, solidarity, equal opportunity, sustainability and European integration. The focus of Policy Solutions’ work is on understanding political processes in Hungary and the European Union. Among the pre-eminent areas of our research are the investigation of how the quality of democracy evolves, the analysis of factors driving euroscepticism, populism and the far-right, and election research. 



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