After a spectacular start, LMP’s political overdrive comes to a screeching halt.
Meet the most prominent MSZP candidates who may put small dents in Fidesz’ aura of invincibility and find out why.
Three months into its term, most of the Orbán cabinet’s plans for Hungary’s future remain shrouded in mystery.
Making it into the news has become much more difficult for Jobbik now that the novelty of its ascendance has worn off.
Budapest’s longtime mayor was extremely successful politically, but he outstayed his welcome.
Though it happens slightly less frequently than Halloween, Hungarians have their own version of trick or treat.
Though it is hard to tell whether on the whole this is an advantage or a handicap, it must be said that with some notable exceptions the Fidesz is nothing if not loyal to its top cadres.
Though it may seem as a whimper rather than a bang, the inauguration of President Pál Schmitt marks an important step in the establishment of the new constitutional order envisioned by the ruling party, Fidesz.
For all those who have complained that in economic policy the Fidesz-government is all about stopgap measures and improvisation, there is now the Széchenyi Plan, a fairly elaborate strategic vision of economic policy going forward.
Policy Solutions will launch its new political analysis, Hungarian Politics In-Depth, in August 2010.