


The election is over and it has ended in a clear victory for the governing party, Fidesz. This was the first sentence of our analysis in April, and it is the first sentence again. Apart from that, the election was primarily an internecine competition on the left and a battle between the far-right and the left. MSZP loses the former and the left win...

Winners and losers

The election is over and it has ended in a clear victory for the governing party, Fidesz. But some underlying details provide interesting and important insights. First, we offer some general observations about election night and then we proceed to evaluate the outcome from the perspective of individual parties, also reflecting on their reactions.

What we learned about (voter) abstinence

Policy Solutions took an in-depth look at the phenomenon of voter abstention in Hungary. Combining turnout data since 1990 with recent polling results, it has affirmed some longstanding assumptions about the segment of the electorate that is likely to stay at home on election day. It has also refined some of them, however, providing a more nuanced...

Policy Solutions' and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung's study: Non-Voters in Hungary

In the study on Non-Voters in Hungary the political research institute Policy Solutions, in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, undertook to find out who in Hungary today regularly fails to participate in elections and what the underlying reasons are for this group’s withdrawal from politics.

Fifth constitutional amendment: Just following orders?

The governing supermajority amended the constitution for the fifth time since its adoption in September. The fifth amendment introduced a whole range of changes, including three ostensibly enacted to satisfy the unceasing criticisms from abroad.

Happy New Year


Happy New Year

Policy Solutions political research and consultancy institute wishes you a successful and happy New Year. Thank you for following our activities last year, and we hope you will remain our partner in 2014 too.

Policy Solutions' analysis: The left could win next year's EP elections

At the 2014 elections to the European Parliament, the European Socialists could attain a relative majority of votes, thereby overtaking the conservative People's Party for the first time in two decades - thus a comprehensive analysis by the Hungarian political research institute Policy Solutions, which reviewed the state of public opinion in all 28...

Things to look forward to in autumn

As the political scene moves on from a largely lethargic summer to a more active autumn, the political agenda will be dominated by issues linked to next year’s election campaign. Some issues have a direct bearing on the election, such as the struggle of MSZP and E14 to come up with a workable model of uniting the left-wing opposition against Fidesz...

An anti-European campaign in the making

Fidesz has made no secret of its growing dislike of the European Union and especially its representatives. Viviane Reding is only the most recent high profile target in a long series of attacks on the EU and some of its leading politicians.

New realities in campaign financing

The problem of campaign financing has dogged Hungarian democracy for two decades. Fidesz' planned reforms will hardly solve any of the problems. Instead, to further the governing parties' edge in 2014, they will create new ones.


About Us

Policy Solutions is a progressive political research institute based in Budapest. It was founded in 2008 and it is committed to the values of liberal democracy, solidarity, equal opportunity, sustainability and European integration. The focus of Policy Solutions’ work is on understanding political processes in Hungary and the European Union. Among the pre-eminent areas of our research are the investigation of how the quality of democracy evolves, the analysis of factors driving euroscepticism, populism and the far-right, and election research. 



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